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Thank you for visiting Ann Jentz Show Horses in South Bend, IN.
I have been breeding winning pleasure horses for more than 20 years.
Through this program, I am honored to have had 21 bronze and 1 silver medallion winners from approximately 50 foals out of my broodmares.
Please take a leisurely stroll around my farm. Read about the success stories, then meet my mares and current foals.
If you are looking for a quality horse, may I suggest a look on the "For Sale" page. If I can be of
further assistance, feel free to email me: MAJENTZ@aol.com
I would like to thank Patrick Heeley, Steve and Elizabeth Heiss and Michael Paulson. I couldn't do this without you.
Ann Jentz Show Horses
Margaret A. Jentz, Owner
51312 Mayflower Road
South Bend, IN 46628
Phone: 574-272-0599
Email: MAJENTZ@aol.com